

You cna use your webcam via a browser to send messages to Octoblu or to handle webRTC live stream pairing using a Meshblu UUID/TOKEN

  1. Goto
  2. Click "Claim"
  3. Claim your device in Octoblu!
  4. Click "Go here to use"
  5. Save the URL, it contains your device uuid/token (which you can retrieve) from Octoblu in case you lose the link.

The View/Share button leads you to a page that subscribes to base64 messages sent by the camera device and renders the images. That page has a link to a webRTC stream page as well, where you can view a livestream of the camera.

This webpage is confirmed to be working on Chrome on Android phones/tablets.

Gateblu Plugin

This plugin requires libjpeg to be installed on the host machine.

OSX: In terminal type "brew install libjpeg" or
LINUX: apt-get install libjpeg-dev libpng-dev -y