Parrot Minidrones


This plugin uses your Gateblu host machine's BLE to interface to compatible Parrot BLE Minidrones (Airborner and Rolling Spider). You can use it to control a single drone or a swarm!

Install to a Gateblu or run as a separate connector using the plugin independently


  1. Satisfy pre-requisites for BLE
  2. Install the "Parrot Minidrones" Gateblu plugin.
  3. Configure Options
  4. Build a flow to send the "connect" command to initiate BLE connection.
  5. Control drones!
  6. ???
  7. Skynet takes over.

Configure Options

To get to the device options goto Things -> Connected Things - Drone Device

Control a Single Drone


Control Swarm of Specific Drones


Message Schema and Using the Plugin in a Flow

Connect Drones

If your drones are disconnected, Send the "connect" command to them using the configuration shown in this image.

NOTE: A Swarm takes 10 seconds to connect.


Take Off!

After a successful connect, send the takeOff command and your drone(s) should start flying!


Available Commands


Control Interface

  1. For a quick and easy web-panel to control your drone go to and connect one to your account.
  2. Then build a dashboard like the one shown
  3. Import this flow.

This flow takes the name of the button widget from control.octoblu as the command to send to your drone(s).

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